Product IntroductionPRODUCTS


Shark Liver Oil 100(180Capsules)

Price in NTD
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  • Product Code:
  • Quantity:180Capsules
  • Expiration Date:Expiration date on box
  • Country of Origin:Taiwan

Squalene is made of 99% pure extract of shark liver oil from sharks living in depths of 3,000 feet or more in the ocean, which help heal wounds and more benefits to human health.

Because of the deep sea sharks durability and strength, biologists have found Squalene to have medicinal attributes that can benefit humans. It helps heal wounds and works exceptionally well on brown spots and wrinkles that come with age along with skin rashes. Squalene helps strengthen ailing immune systems and bodies to give added protection against disease. It has been used in treatment of high blood pressure, liver disorders, arthritis, burns and has also been used for anti cancer and inflamatory agent.

6 capsules daily. Taken separately with warm water after breakfast and dinner.

※Please follow the recommended dosage.
※Please stop taking the product immediately in case of signs of allergy or discomfort.
※Please close cap immediately after use and finish as soon as possible.
※Please store in a dry and cool environment away from direct sunlight.
※Please keep away from the reach of children.


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